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Acronyms and Abbreviations
used by the French Army of 1940

AMC Auto-Mitrailleuse de Combat. An auto-mitrailleuse in the French army of this period meant an AFV belonging to the cavalry and classed as AMC, AMD or AMR depending on function. The AMC was a tracked (or half-tracked) vehicle with good armament and armor, capable of combat as well as reconnaissance. Roughly translated: a Tank.
AMD Auto-Mitrailleuse de Découverte. Distant reconnaissance wheeled vehicle. Roughly translated: an Armoured car.
AMR Auto-Mitrailleuse de Reconnaissance - Cross-country reconnaissance tracked (or half-tracked) vehicle. Roughly translated: a Tankette.
BACA Batterie d'Anti-Chars Automoteurs - Mobile Anti-Tank Battery equipped with W15TCC tank hunters.
BCC Bataillon de Chars de Combat - Tank battalion. A unit of approx 30 heavy or 40 light tanks.
BCL Bataillon de Chars Légèrs - Light tank battalion. Used to descriibe the two BCC equipped with FCM 36 light tanks but not by BCCs equipped with other light tanks such as H 35 or R 35.
BDP Bataillon de Dragons Portés - Motorised Dragoon Battalion. Note that the composition of the battalion differed depending on whether it was part of a DLM or a DLC.
CA Contre-Aéroplanes - anti-aircraft.
CACC Compagnie Autonome de Chars de Combat - Independant Tank Company. Three were formed for the expedition to Norway. After the invasion they were formed with newly produced of salvaged tanks.
DCR Division Cuirassée de Réserve - Reserve Armoured Division. There were four of these these which with 148 tanks each can be though of as the neraest the French Infantry came to a Panzer Division.
DI Division d'Infanterie - Infantry Division.
Division d'Infanterie Motorisée - Motorised Infantry Division.
DLC Division Légère de Cavalerie - Light Cavalry Division. There were five of these divisions combining mounted (horsed) cavalry with motorised and armoured units. These were intended for strategic recconaisance.
DLM Division Légère Mécanique - Light Mechanised Division. There were four of these which with 182 tanks each can be though of as the neraest the French Cavalry came to a Panzer Division.
ER Emetteur-Récepteur - Transmitter-Receiver, designation of a wireless (radio) set.
GRDI Groupe de Reconnaissance de Division d'Infanterie - Infantry Division Reconaissance Group. A battalion-sized cavalry unit attached to every infantry division for reconnaissance. It was partly mounted (horsed) and partly motorised. 
GRDIm Groupe de Reconnaissance de Division d'Infanterie Motorisée - Motorised Infantry Division Reconaissance Group. A battalion-sized mechanised cavalry unit attached to every motorised infantry division for reconnaissance.
RA Régiment d'Artillerie - Artillery Regiment
RAM Régiment d'Autos-Mitrailleuses - Armoured car regiment. The Reconnaissance regiment in the Light Cavalry Division (DLC)
RCA Régiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique
RCC Régiment de Chars de Combat  - Tank Regiment. A unit equivalent to two BCC .
RD Régiment de Découverte - Deep Reconnaissance Regiment. The armoured car regiment in the Light Mechanized Divisions (DLM)
RDP Régiment de Dragons Portés - Motorised Dragoon Regiment. Note that the composition of the regiment differed depending on whether it was part of a DLM or a DLC .
SOMUA Société d'Outillage Mécanique et d'Usinage d'Artillerie
VDP Voiture de Dragons Portés - Motorised Dragoon Vehicle. These could be Laffly S20TL 6x6 or Lorraine 28 4x6 trucks or Citroën-Kegresse P19 halftracks.